COVID-19 Services

Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna Vaccines

Getting vaccinated is one of many steps you can take to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. Protection from COVID-19 is critically important because, for some people, it can cause severe illness or death.

mRNA vaccines contain material that gives our cells instructions for how to make a harmless protein that is unique to the virus. After our cells make copies of the protein, they destroy the genetic material from the vaccine. Our bodies build protection against COVID-19 by getting the Vaccine.

  • You need 2 doses 3 -4 weeks apart.
  • You must practice social distance, wear masks, wash hands, and all public health measures even after vaccination.
  • Covid Vaccines are safe and highly effective.

We are now vaccinating all eligible patients with two-dose Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines. If you are 5 years old and above and qualify for Covid Vaccine per NYC Department of Health guidelines, please make an appointment or walk-in anytime during our office hours.

Covid Vaccine Boosters
We are now also offering COVID-19 Moderna and Pfizer boosters for people eligible as per the NYS Department of Health. Currently, the CDC has recommended booster shots after 5 months from their second dose of Moderna or Pfizer vaccine for people 12 years old and above. If you have received a J&J vaccine you may receive a booster 2 months after your initial vaccine.

Vaccine Follow up Televisit

You will receive a follow-up call/ Televisit call from one of our providers in 3 days after you get vaccinated to check on you. You can discuss any side effects or reactions from the vaccine or any other concerns you may have. Our Board-certified doctors and providers are always here to answer your questions and treat any side effects or reactions from the vaccine.

Coronavirus Rapid Antigen Test

What Is A Coronavirus Rapid Test?

SARS-Cov-2 or Coronavirus Rapid test checks for the presence of coronavirus and is done in the office. These tests check the outer coating of the virus to see if it is present. Results are available within 10-15 minutes after the test is performed.

No test is 100% accurate but covid-19 rapid antigen tests are very useful in certain instances. Rapid antigen test is best performed if you are having symptoms or if you don’t have symptoms and want to check right before an event where there are people around. Covid Virus Rapid Antigen Test is covered by your insurance.

Coronavirus PCR Test

What is a Coronavirus PCR Test?

We offer a SAR-CoV-2 RT-PCR test for the detection of COVID-19 by a standard nasopharyngeal specimen from which the lab extracts viral RNA and then tests for the presence of key genes that can be used to identify its presence.

PCR test is the gold-standard test for the detection of COVID-19 because of the sensitivity and accuracy of the test.

The assay is available under an Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA.

This test can be used to detect COVID-19 if someone is presenting with symptoms, or does not have symptoms, if someone was in contact with someone with COVID-19 or for traveling purposes in which it is required.

Our standard PCR can be sent to our partnered labs in which results usually take 24 hours or less.

Rapid RT-PCR/ Molecular Test

At MiDoctor you may choose to get a Rapid RT-PCR/ Molecular test for travel purposes. Your result is available within hours of your visit. . This Rapid RT-PCR/ Molecular test costs $150. This test is available for international travel patients.

Coronavirus Antibody Test

What Is A Coronavirus Antibody Test?

SARS-Cov-2 Ab test or Coronavirus antibody test checks for the presence of antibodies to coronavirus in the blood.

The antibody test is very different from the molecular COVID test, which is done with a nasal swab and checks for the presence of the covid-19 virus itself. Antibodies are produced by the immune system after a minimum of 7- 14 days after infection and remain positive long after the infection.

This is why an antibody test can be used to detect a past infection with coronavirus. Your blood sample will be sent to Quest or Sherman labs. Antibody tests are not recommended after Covid vaccination because people who are vaccinated with covid-19 vaccines will produce antibodies after. This test is covered by your insurance.

Which Antibodies Will Be Tested?

We utilize FDA-approved ELISA assay for Covid-19 Virus (SARS-Cov-2) IgG antibodies. IgG turns positive within 7-20 days of infection and tends to persist for over 6months (likely years). IgM turns positive within 7-20 days of infection onset, peaks at 80 days, and fades away within 6 months.

Who Can Get Covid19 Antibody Test?

MiDoctor is offering antibody tests to asymptomatic (not exhibiting any signs or symptoms of active infection) patients only or patients who previously tested positive for Covid-19 more than 2 weeks ago and have recovered completely.

If you have a mild cough or runny nose or still recovering – we recommend you wait until you recover completely in order to test. You can request a COVID Virus PCR RNA test.

If you need repeat testing please speak with one of the MiDoctor providers for recommendations. For the above-mentioned reasons all patients will need to consult a MiDoctor provider in person or on a Televisit before they can be considered for covid-19 antibody tests.

Also, if you are already in our office for completely different reasons, we can offer to get this test done on the spot.

How is the Covid19 Antibody Test Done?

  • We do blood tests to check for Covid IgG Antibodies.
  • Prior to your blood draw, you need a consultation with our provider.
  • Doctors will make sure you are asymptomatic at the time of the blood draw.
  • Doctors will also document the timing or nature of your past symptoms if any.
  • Last but not least, doctors will counsel you on the limitation of the test and the interpretation of the results.

How Long Do Results Take?

The expected turnaround time today is 2 business days. Please check your result on the portal.

What do Results Look Like?

Positive – you have Covid antibodies
Negative – You have no Covid antibodies
Equivocal – You may need a repeat test in a week

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