Bipolar Disorder
What Is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder, otherwise known as manic depression, is a mental illness that is characterized by periods of severe high and low moods, along with changes in sleep, energy cycles, thought patterns, and behavior.
Those with bipolar disorder have periods in which they feel extremely happy and full of energy, and other periods of deep sadness, hopelessness, and feeling weighed down. In between those mood swings, there can be periods of ‘normalcy’ or stability.
Are There Different Types of Bipolar Disorder?
There are a few types of bipolar disorder, including:
Bipolar I disorder: extreme, erratic behavior. You will exhibit manic “up” periods that last at a week or so and may require medical care. There is followed by extreme “down” periods that last at least 2 weeks.
Bipolar II disorder: you also have erratic highs and lows, it is just less severe or less intense than bipolar I.
Cyclothymic disorder: periods of manic and depressive behavior lasting at least 2 years in adults or 1 year in children and teens – not as intense as bipolar I or bipolar II.
What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?
In bipolar disorder, high and low moods do not follow a specific or repeating pattern. Someone may experience depression or mania episodes several times before switching to the opposite mood. Each episode can last a period of weeks, months, or even years. Symptom severity also varies from person to person
Symptoms of Mania:
- Excessive happiness, hopefulness, and excitement
- Sudden changes from being joyful to being irritable, angry, and hostile
- Restlessness
- Rapid speech and poor concentration
- Increased energy and less need for sleep
- Unusually high sex drive
- Making grand and unrealistic plans
- Poor judgment and impulsiveness
- Drug and alcohol abuse
- Reduced Appetite
- Inflated self-confidence
Symptoms of Depressive Periods:
- General sadness
- Lacking energy
- Not enjoying things they once liked
- Difficulty concentrating and forgetfulness
- Inhibited sex drive
- Trouble making decisions
- Irritability
- Requiring more sleep
- Insomnia
- Thoughts of death or suicide
What Are the Causes of Bipolar Disorder?
Like most mental health disorders, there is no singular cause of bipolar disorders. That being said, research has indicated various factors that may have a role to play.
For instance, in some cases it is a matter of genetics, meaning you have inherited traits from family members that put you at risk or cause you to develop the condition. Brain development is also likely to play a key role, although specific causes have not been identified.
What Are the Treatments for Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder can be managed, but not cured. It’s considered a long-term condition that requires ongoing care and maintenance.
Treatment is most effective when the person is receiving good medical care, appropriate medication, engaged in talk therapy, lifestyle changes, and has the support of friends and family. Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, has no known cure. It is a chronic health condition that requires ongoing management – but that doesn’t mean you can’t live a happy, healthy life! Management techniques provide you with the best chance for positive outcomes and are dramatically more helpful than trying to go without treatment.
Bipolar Treatment Services Offered in New York
If you have questions about the Bipolar treatment services offered at MiDoctor, call our office to speak with a member of our team or schedule a consultation online today!